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TV SERIES: Th1rteen R3asons Why

Hey, It's Hannah, Hannah Baker, Don't adjust whatever device you're hearing this on, it's me, live and in stereo. No return engagements. No encore and this time absolutely no requests. Get a snack, settle in, because I'm about to tell you the story of my life; more specifically, why my life ended.

This is my take on this series...

My inquisitiveness started after hearing the line that I quoted above. I could say that this series is tastefully executed. This series not only shows how a person can do such an act (suicide) but it also shows the aftermath of such sudden action. Oftentimes, films or movies only focuses on the story of the victim but this time we also get to see what is happening to the people they left behind. I think that the series served it's purpose, they were able to relay that this is not the value that they want to condone but instead they want us to be sensitive enough to every person that we meet. Tho, the book is kinda different from the series, it didn't make me hate it.It takes courage to seek for help but if you ask a wrong person the outcome could be different. To be honest, I find Courtney Crimson and Marcus Cooley the most evil of all; they have no remorse and both are apathetic & self centered.


What will happen to Hannah's case?
Why did Alex commit a suicide?
Where will Justin Go?
What will happen to Bryce?
Will Jessica tell her father what happened to her?
What will happen to Clay?
What will they do? -->Sheri, Marcus, Courtney, Tyler, Zach and Ryan
How will Mr. Porter take the tape given the fact that he was Hannah's last hope?
What will Hannah's parents do after listening to her tapes?
